Jul 4, 2012


ellie.kate could not be more excited to present to you our newest collection of designs. It feels so good to say that we have been in production for over a year now.  Getting to this point has been quite an uphill battle. Throughout our struggles we have been learning from our mistakes and we are always improving on our previous work. This means this will be ellie.kate's best work yet! The new ellie.kate collection will be available July 14th at Shapes in Downtown Royal Oak.  So, before you come see us, here is a sneak peak of what you can expect! We hope you like what you see and we look forward to seeing you on the 14th!! ‘Til then let us know what you think!!

Apr 22, 2012


Happy Earth Day! 

We are proud to say that ellie.kate is eco-friendly in every stage of the process from design to production. We are not contributing to the disasters below. We hope that everyone will strive to do this as well. Every little tiny baby step helps. So make today count and bust out those reusable water bottles or pick up a piece of trash. Feel free to plant a few trees while your at it.


Apr 5, 2012


Are you looking for new ways to recycle? Here is the perfect opportunity to recycle old, new, unwanted bras and help others along the way. 

ellie.kate is collecting bra donations in order to help the efforts of Oxfam. To donate old, new, unwanted bras contact Ellen or Katie at elliekatedesigns@gmail.com.
For more information visit: http://www.oxfam.org/